
The Gypsies ,back in the Holocaust, were being persecuted by being sent to camps, and if they were not sent to camps they were shot and killed. Over 20,000 Gypsies were sent to camps and the rest were shot.
The Gypsies also were not treated fairly. This one man sat down at a table and two Germans scoffed at him. The Gypsies were poisoned by carbon monoxide gas and poisoned by people in the vans. Gypsies could hardly walk without someone either talking about them or rudely yelled at. Gypsies were probably friendly if you get to know them,but nobody ever let them speak their opinion or even let them get a word out.
The Gypsies were originated from India. They are an ethnic group but once they moved to Europe they also became a mixed group. 1,000 Gypsies were shot, 4,000 Gypsies were murdered by gas. The Gypsies were basically useful.

Best Gift Given

I gave a little girl that was in the hospital a Barbie Doll Dream House.I felt like I really needed to do that. She did not get as many presents as me so I felt great.
She felt so special. Also she even said she would play with it every day.
Giving is better than receiving because it makes people feel loved,cared about, and even special. When I give something to someone it makes me feel good about myself. It makes you feel like you have made their life better.